Thank you for your reply.
I am a retired US Navy officer and pilot, and a retired airline pilot. I served our country for 20 years. sworn to support and defend the constitution. I have never been released from that oath, and I therefore adamantly defend all of our Creator given and constitutionally guaranteed rights. Over my 70 years, I have seen a huge erosion of our rights through legislation and court decisions. The First Amendment has always been under attack, the Fourth Amendment has been shredded, and the Fifth Amendment is following suit. The Second Amendment was decimated at one point, but is recovering slowly.
I was hoping for a stronger statement on gun rights, perhaps something along the lines of, "I believe that Washington State Constitution Article 1 section 24 means exactly what it says, 'The right of the
individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state,
shall not be impaired...," and/or, "I support I-591 ( ), and I do NOT support I-594 ( ). Statements like that are unambiguous and to the point.
I understand that as a member of the medical profession, your primary focus is on medical issues. As our representative in the legislature, you will be dealing with many other issues.
Thank you, again, for your reply. I will post it on the Open Carry forum.