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Labor Day ‘Mackinac Bridge Walk’ will feature warrantless bag searches


Regular Member
Jan 22, 2012
Clinton Twp
Nice, you'll be able to carry a pistol openly, but they will confiscate your bags to search them.

Carry extra ammo and another BUG in your backpack. I'm sure they will love it.(only if you have a CPL)
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Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
Don't worry comrade, It is for your own good!

THIS^^^ +1! It's all about conditioning the masses. "Be afraid, be very afraid! We are here to protect you, if you do what we say, when we say." Really easy to intimidate a defenseless citizen vs. a well armed one. Thus the huge push towards gun/freedoms control vs. nut control.

The most terrifying words in the english language are: "I am from the government and I am here to help".



Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jan 10, 2007
Lansing area, Michigan, USA
"Finally, all of this may be moot because, according to the Department of Homeland Security, it would seem that the state of Michigan (both the mainland and upper peninsula) lies within what the ACLU is calling the U.S. Constitution Free Zone. This 100-mile wide strip extends around the border of the country and covers Michigan in its entirety. You can read more on this here, but suffice it to say, the government has little to no respect for your 4th Amendment rights if you happen to live within these areas of the country."
FALSE: The courts have opined that you retain all rights AWAY from a border. You lose those rights only AT a border crossing. They still have to have PC or an arrest to search you outside a Terry stop.

At any so called BP check-point away from the border you have all rights and privileges of the BoRs.


Regular Member
Jul 22, 2009
Near Lapeer (Hadley), Michigan, USA
Conducting searches of citizens purses, bags, and backpacks were MSP, sheriff deputies, and the military. The searches were conducted on the south end of the bridge prior to boarding the buses. For those not familiar with the bridge walk, for $5 you can ride a bridge to st. Ignace. All pedestrian traffic across the bridge is south bound.

Some were school buses which I think makes open carry mandatory.

We were funneled into two separate lines to separate out those with backpacks and those without. I was wearing a backpack and was funneled into the appropriate line. When I got to the inspection station I simply walked past all the officers and soldiers and continued on my way. Nobody said a word to me and I didn't have to say anything.

Apparently the bag searches were only for people who consent.

I have a poorly filmed video I will likely post later.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...We were funneled into two separate lines to separate out those with backpacks and those without. I was wearing a backpack and was funneled into the appropriate line. When I got to the inspection station I simply walked past all the officers and soldiers and continued on my way. Nobody said a word to me and I didn't have to say anything...
Do you think that someone noticed your refusal to have your backpack "inspected"?


Regular Member
Jul 22, 2009
Near Lapeer (Hadley), Michigan, USA
Oh for sure. I walked back and forth in front of several officers and soldiers who were performing inspections.

I think the video recording device in my hand was likely a factor in them choosing not to stop me. Plus my body language clearly indicated that I do not consent.

I believe they were simply asking people to open their purses, not demanding it, but most people don't know the difference.


Regular Member
Jul 22, 2009
Near Lapeer (Hadley), Michigan, USA
Unfortunately I utilized my video cameras more to record audio in case of any interaction. Since my focus was not on where the cameras were pointed I recorded poor quality video. I actually regret that I did not do a better job.


Regular Member
Jul 22, 2009
Near Lapeer (Hadley), Michigan, USA
letter has been drafted....i will keep everyone posted.

333 South Grand Avenue
PO Box 30634
Lansing, Michigan

September 9, 2013

To whom it may concern:
I am inquiring as to the official MSP policy regarding the searching/inspection of bags, purses, and backpacks during the annual Labor Day Mackinaw Bridge walk. Specifically, I am searching for answers to the following questions:
Were these inspections/searches voluntary, or mandatory? Did citizens have the option to not consent to a search of their personal items, including bags, backpacks, and purses? If a citizen did not consent to be searched, were they allowed to pass the checkpoint and go about their business?
If searches are conducted during the 2014 bridge walk, will the policy be the same?
Thank you for your time in reading, researching, and responding to these questions. If this is not the correct department to answer these questions, can you please forward this letter to the appropriate person? A response can be mailed to the address below, or e-mailed to: myemailhere...
Can you kindly include your e-mail address in your response.
