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Let's embrace the whole Second Amendment folks...

Freedom First

Regular Member
Dec 8, 2010
Kennewick, Wa.
Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results."

Um, do your really want to keep beating your head against that senator's door? As if they are listening or even care if you are even alive. Quit acting as if your were insane. You're wasting your life energy fighting this way which is exactly what those in power want to see: Well meaning fools yelling into the ether about issues of life and death until they are exhausted and cannot muster any real resistance.

Time to start looking into the entirety of the Second Amendment: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." This is the only use of the word necessary in (EDIT) the Bill of Rights.

Not that owning and carrying a gun is necessary, but the existence of the MILITIA is that which is necessary. What is the militia? It's an ancient tradition, brought over to the Colonies from centuries of practice in England and effective in preventing death, mayhem and tyranny. It's only since the local militia was rendered "unnecessary" by the formation of the National Guards that the tyrants have been truly free to move against us and our Freedom.

Today's militia is founded on the Constitutions of both the State and the Nation. This is not the media's presentation of a racist bunch of hicks, instead many are veterans, police and firemen, Tea and Constitution Party members with families, jobs, mortgages, a Constitution in their pocket and a sincere desire to see the Rule of Law returned to the seats of power in this country. Insane trust or faith in this broken political system will never accomplish this goal. We must, as a people, choose a different path.

One man, well intentioned and standing fully in the Founder's plan will easily be killed for his stand and his memory disgraced. Fifty men are another matter entirely. They cannot be erased and their blood will cry out against their killers. There is no further way being left to us by those in power. We must stand and be counted as friends to Liberty or cower as slaves.

Open Carry is at it's heart a rebellious action in this nation today. You men and women have been stretching your wings of Freedom to the ire of those in power. But our efforts are too little. The rulers are unimpressed. The acts of a few openly armed people, though well intentioned and educated in the law and their Rights, are unable to turn this ship of state from her tyrannical path.

These men and women in power were spoken of by Daniel Webster, “There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.” This has not changed. These people still exist and they are drawn to the highest positions of power. The only thing they fear is the loss of that power and they will kill to keep it. Ask the men at Lexington. The challenged these people and eight of their number paid the ultimate cost in blood that April morning. But look what grew from that sacrifice...

So, the question is, "What should an honest and law-abiding man or woman do in the face of tyranny?" Simple. You must choose to resist or choose to submit. Resistance may start a battle which may cost you your life but "is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery?"

Next step? Modern Militia Movement

Thanks for reading. Freedom First, 5th Battalion, Southeast Washington State Light Foot Miltita
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Regular Member
Apr 13, 2011
Golden Valley, AZ
Freedom First,

The word ‘necessary’ actually appears nine (9) times in the Constitution. Not a big error, but an error nonetheless.

Here is one for you. How many times does the word ‘arms’ appear in the Constitution, and/or the word ‘firearms’?

I’m researching the rest of your post before further comment.



Founder's Club Member
Mar 23, 2010
Quarryville, PA
Freedom First,

The word ‘necessary’ actually appears nine (9) times in the Constitution. Not a big error, but an error nonetheless.

Here is one for you. How many times does the word ‘arms’ appear in the Constitution, and/or the word ‘firearms’?

I’m researching the rest of your post before further comment.


I think perhaps he meant the original Bill of Rights, where the word necessary does indeed appear one time, but maybe not?

Overall a good post.
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Regular Member
Apr 13, 2011
Golden Valley, AZ
I think perhaps he meant the original Bill of Rights, where the word necessary does indeed appear one time, but maybe not?

Overall a good post.

What prompted my post is the OP said "This is the only use of the word 'necessary' in the entire Constitution and the Bill of Rights."

Still researching.

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Freedom First

Regular Member
Dec 8, 2010
Kennewick, Wa.
Freedom First,

The word ‘necessary’ actually appears nine (9) times in the Constitution. Not a big error, but an error nonetheless.

Here is one for you. How many times does the word ‘arms’ appear in the Constitution, and/or the word ‘firearms’?

I’m researching the rest of your post before further comment.


Aw crap, someone let the air out of my post... My bad, you are right. It's in the Bill of Rights once. I was on a roll and I didn't do the proper research on a cite. Forgive? BTW, did you read the rest?


Regular Member
Apr 13, 2011
Golden Valley, AZ
Aw crap, someone let the air out of my post... My bad, you are right. It's in the Bill of Rights once. I was on a roll and I didn't do the proper research on a cite. Forgive? BTW, did you read the rest?

No Problem. In all, we are on the same page. Apart from some minor differences on how we got to the same page, the bottom line, we got there.

Over all, a good post.

Oh, for the benefit of OTHERS, the question still stands to THEM.....not you. How many times do the words 'arms' or 'firearms' appear in the Constitution?
Additionally, for those who may like research, which Federalist Paper(s) address firearms?

The answer to both of those questions can be a real surprise.



Regular Member
May 2, 2012
No Problem. In all, we are on the same page. Apart from some minor differences on how we got to the same page, the bottom line, we got there.

Over all, a good post.

Oh, for the benefit of OTHERS, the question still stands to THEM.....not you. How many times do the words 'arms' or 'firearms' appear in the Constitution?
Additionally, for those who may like research, which Federalist Paper(s) address firearms?

The answer to both of those questions can be a real surprise.



arms = 2
firearms = 0

federalist papers


Regular Member
Feb 28, 2010
Winlock, , USA
The Militia Law of the United States

Every one of us between the ages of 17 - 45 IS in the militia, according to the law. Those of us that are retired military get the age extended a bit, because we are expected to train the rabble...


10 USC Sec. 311 01/03/2012 (112-90)

Subtitle A - General Military Law

Sec. 311. Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied
males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section
313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a
declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States
and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the
National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are -
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard
and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of
the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the
Naval Militia.

For those of you that are interested, in US v Miller, the Supreme Court said: "...the Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. "A body of citizens enrolled for military discipline." And further, that ordinarily, when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time."


Therefore, following the law and logic of the Supreme Court of the United States, each and everyone of us SHOULD have an AR styled rifle in our homes...

Freedom First

Regular Member
Dec 8, 2010
Kennewick, Wa.
Does that not already exhist here in the state of washington?


In a word, No. The WSG is a remnant, an empty shell of what should be in place: the LOCAL militia. Where men in your community gather to support the Rule of Law in their own town. The WSG functions as a ceremonial group, doing flag duties at ball games, etc.. Not the same by a long shot.

Freedom First

Regular Member
Dec 8, 2010
Kennewick, Wa.
This topic has been interesting...

This thread has been posted on another forum as well. It was immediately locked and I was threatened with banning but true to nature, OCDO is willing to look at and discuss these sort of things openly. Good for you guys.

This whole process of moving from being an ignorant, gun fearing, Rush Limbaugh Republican to a member in a Constitutional Militia has been very interesting. Not bad, just interesting and very enlightening. Life is like the movie, The Matrix. Shockingly similar. So many are just too inert, too entrenched in the system and far too comfortable to ever consider doing something, anything, that would move them closer to Freedom. Sad but true.

Let me say that I embrace the entirety of the American Vision that the Framers left us. Not this simpleminded "one nation, under God" statist thing we have today, but the squirrely federation of a group of sovereign States served by an Agent that they created with the Constitution. I swore an Oath to that Constitution and it's vision and I stand by that Oath today. Here's what is truly important: I never swore an Oath to the government. Any government. Few understand that difference but it is HUGE.

As our nation, led by those in a government who claims to serve us, heads us blindly to our collective destruction, I hope to be able to stand for my family and for the Rule of Law in those dark days. We cannot prevent what is coming. We cannot blunt the unceasing attacks on our Rights and Freedom. We cannot be heard over the roar of the mob. But we can stand. Alone if need be. It's the only choice a Free man can make. Standing for the principles of personal responsibility from a moral center founded on Someone greater than myself, standing for our future generation's Freedom to choose their own course, standing for the right in a world bent on doing wrong for it's own sake, but standing nonetheless. This is a fool's quest but one I have willingly chosen.

I am not here to start trouble with the machine. She will do it soon enough. There will be another Waco. The machine, for all it's power and information, is not wise or moral. She simply has more physical power.

I would suggest that even if the militia concept is too much for you today, take some time to read and study the days leading up to April 19, 1775. Why were there Committee's of Safety in nearly every town? Who did the Militia serve? What were the people doing? Why was it acceptable to drive the Crown's officers from your community? What really happened on the Lexington Common? Until you can converse on these subjects, you are missing an important part of your heritage. And that part will lead you and your family to Freedom.
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Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
Restricted certain firearm types, and configurations is not an infringement.

The State has the Authority to Power to restrict certain firearm types, and configurations; and it is Constitutional; it is in-line with the Second Amendment.

Freedom First

Regular Member
Dec 8, 2010
Kennewick, Wa.
Restricted certain firearm types, and configurations is not an infringement.

The State has the Authority to Power to restrict certain firearm types, and configurations; and it is Constitutional; it is in-line with the Second Amendment.

Um, sure. Maybe in Chicago.

I'm clearly a simpleton but I have found that words mean what they say. "...shall not be infringed." To me that means leave it alone, don't touch, etc.. So, for the entity created by the Constitution to change and nullify it willy-nilly is plainly wrong at best, criminal at worst.


Regular Member
May 2, 2012
Restricted certain firearm types, and configurations is not an infringement.

The State has the Authority to Power to restrict certain firearm types, and configurations; and it is Constitutional; it is in-line with the Second Amendment.

You need to go read the declaration of independence, specifically the pre-amble. After you're done reading that, get a dictionary and look up liberty.

Man cannot (should not) write any law that supersedes the rights granted you by your creator (whomever you believe the creator to be).


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
You need to go read the declaration of independence, specifically the pre-amble. After you're done reading that, get a dictionary and look up liberty.

Man cannot (should not) write any law that supersedes the rights granted you by your creator (whomever you believe the creator to be).

I see; so I'm to presume I have Rights granted me, by my creator?--No thanks.

I have stated this numberous times, on other threads, neither Liberty, nor Freedom, are Absolute; and neither is the RKBA. Heller is example one, verifying what I have asserted in my previous post.


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2009
In My Coffee
Um, sure. Maybe in Chicago.

I'm clearly a simpleton but I have found that words mean what they say. "...shall not be infringed." To me that means leave it alone, don't touch, etc.. So, for the entity created by the Constitution to change and nullify it willy-nilly is plainly wrong at best, criminal at worst.

If you are barred from purchasing a Remington 870, but are not barred from purchasing a coach side-by-side (examples), there is no Second Amendment infringement.