Earlier in the day, Brown stole some cigars from the store and assaulted the store employee in the process, which is called a strong armed robbery. That trumps the chant of those in Browns corner chanting ," He was a GENTLE giant",..... right. If nothing more it shows Brown character and demeanor that day, his own family members were quoted saying ," Brown was mentally challenged," Brown and his witness, who was identified on video in the store with him during his strong armed robbery, were walking down the middle of the street.. WHY do BLACK youth walk down the middle of the street, INSTEAD of on the sidewalks??? There are a GROUP of BLACK youth that regularly walk down the middle of the street in my surburban neighborhood, instead of on the sidewalks. I stopped and asked them one time why they didn't use the sidewalks, they proceeded to cuss me out and tell me this was THEIR streets and to go around them. I will drive up on them and they will be 4 wide, and you cant even hardly get by them.... and they WONT budge an inch. I've called and had officers come out, they have said they know there is a problem with this, and to next time, quote, " RUN THEM OVER". All Brown had to do was, SHUP UP, and get out of the MIDDLE of the street. That was not HIS choice. Brown and his friend, had no idea that they were or weren't being stopped for their strong armed robbery earlier that day, so nobody can say WHAT was going thru Browns mind. Brown was no teenager, like the pictures the media have been showing- which bear no resemblance, to the thug that picked the store employee up by his neck. He was a 290-300 man using his size as a weapon and to intimidate. Just because Brown wasn't armed, DOESNT mean he wasn't a threat to the officer. Those who support OC, know that many more people are killed by bare hands than a firearm. I don't know what happened, I just know by Browns action earlier that day, by his action of walking down the middle of a public street, and by the way he used his size to intimidate and as a weapon, his actions at the time of the LEO encounter, MAY have justified getting shot, nobody knows for sure, and after finding out that his witness was involved with him, as proven by the stores video, earlier that day during his strong armed robbery, i'm not sure his testimony could be credible. The is something called Size Disparity. The MISSOURI SUPREME COURT RULED:
The Supreme Court of Missouri has recognized that superior physical strength coupled with threats may give reasonable cause to fear great personal injury. The court later found that:
“Something more than fear of size however, is required to justify the use of deadly force in self-defense. Some affirmative action, gesture or communication by the person feared indicating the immediacy of the danger, the ability to avoid it and the necessity of using deadly force must also be present.”
The court quoted with approval that a “man, because he is the physical inferior of another … is [not] … bound to submit to a public [assault] … If nature has not provided the means for such resistance, art may; in short, a weapon may be used… “
Most NORMAL People tend to react and think the same, that's why we are judged by a jury of OUR peers, hoping that very thing. Its hard to think, in my normal thinking mind, that two guys, walking down the middle of the street, after robbing a store earlier that day, NOT knowing if there interaction is because of what happened earlier that day.... are going to be GENTLE, COMPLIANT, and NON_AGGRESSIVE, to ANY LEO interaction. Had Brown just kept his mouth shut, gentle and compliant, and moved out of the middle of the street, all the events afterward would never have happened.