Ok... Flame Suit On....
Posted on another thread in this forumn... Cpoied and pasted here....
Although I have discussed here in the past about mountintg a holster on (top) of the dash, I have made the decision that come Nov. 1, I will be OC'ing loaded and holstered on my hip while in my vehicle. I will abide by the change in 167.31 that specifically allows that type of carry. I have waited long enough to not have to "dance" every time in get in and out of my car, so If I happen to get stopped I will hope the LEO has no knowledge of previous "Case Law" or at least knowledge of the change in the current law that restricts vehicle carry of a "handgun"... If it comes down to being arrested well I guess I will have to be one of the test cases on the legallity of the "Case Law" or the contridiction from one statute to another. I suppose I will have a empty holster ready to stick on top of the dash (Velcro) if nessesary, per LEO recomendation, to avoid arrest. Part of this decison lies in the fact that I personally belive that a holsterd firearm on top of the dashboard in a moving vehicle would draw more attention from unaware LEO, BG's, and the public in general, all of which I choose to avoid by OC'ing on my hip. I know, I know... I OC now and draw attention from the public in general, but I am of the firm belief that a holstered firearm on top of a dash (in traffic) would generate more MWAG calls (Cell Phones) than just open carrying on the hip during my daily routine... not to mention (on the dash) generating "interest" from any BG's that happen to notice while driving next to me....
If this post is ever tried to be used against me in a court of law, I state here and now it is not me typing this....
Edited to add... I guess with getting scriwed over with SB-93 , and now looking like the same with Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground, and a couple of others discussed in this forum.. I am about done...