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New Guy from DE


Regular Member
Feb 25, 2012
Just started to OC. I have only carried in my neighborhood so far while out walking with the wife. Still feel the neon sign above my head saying, HE HAS A GUN. :uhoh:

So far only had a couple of cars drive by with the drivers heads' snapping around and starring. :shocker:

Once I feel comfortable in the neighborhood I will start to branch out. Been studying what to say if stopped by a LEO, just hope the nerves will cooperate if/when it happens.

Red Dawg

Regular Member
Dec 29, 2010
Eastern VA, with too many people
Welcome to OCDO. There is a wealth of knowledge here, but you may have to also visit other state's forums, and the general forums.
I'm origianlly from MD, and hate the way the population centers are controlling the way it's citizens are forced to live.

Enjoy, and carry safe.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
Welcome to OCing FishHunter911! I've been doing it a couple of years now. Not one problem. Just go in a store or wherever like it's not even there. ( although you are very aware that it is) Relax, mind your Ps' ad Q's, try to project a friendly disposition. You know, hold a door for somebody, say thank you, that kind of stuff. Don't act all nervous (even if you are). Everything should go okay. I know what you mean about the neon sign above your head. Especially in a new place, it still can feel a little weird. But remember, it's your right! Good Luck and Happy OCing.


Regular Member
May 14, 2010
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Welcome aboard, I would encourage you to read and study till you feel knowledgeable and comfortable. Then keep on reading and researching because knowledge is power. I have compiled a bunch of newcomer info your welcome to dig into. It's available at Tinyurl.com/OpenCarry-WI

The more you carry, the more comfortable you will feel. Remember when you first started driving, or the first time you shot a gun, or were with a girl. :lol: You were scared like we all were. But it does get easier with time.


Regular Member
Jul 17, 2009
York, Pennsylvania, USA
FishHunter911, you might want to consider checking out the forums at Delaware Open Carry:


There are some very good and knowledgeable people there, IMHO.

I have family in the Newark DE area, and I OC every time we're there, but admittedly that is not nearly as often as someone who lives there.

Welcome to the "dark side" :lol: