This is not something I'm planning to do. But I'm just interested as an intellectual exercise.
Maybe it's a potential form of protest for open carry.
- I take a non-functional replica of a gun (doesn't even fire blanks, barrel is sealed).
- I put it in a holster and walk around publicly with it carried openly.
What law(s) am I breaking, and why?
I don't know about any laws, but carrying a nonfunctional firearm is one of the most stupid maneuvers any Darwin Award candidate could possibly cook up.
This isn't the first time I've encountered this moronic idea. It has been discussed ever since fake guns were invented. Other than toys for children, the purpose of a fake gun has never been explained to me to any degree of satisfaction. (Other than to purposefully get one's self killed.)
I assume that a fake gun would be used as a "bluff". (?)
If so, what does a person do in the event this "bluff" gets called?
Pull their fake gun and yell "BANG!" as loudly as possible in the hope that sheer volume can stop the bullets coming from the real gun used to call the bluff?
Because that fake gun sure won't stop them.
The purpose of a weapon is to provide the means with which to protect one's self. It provides an
The purpose of a fake weapon is to provide the appearance of protection. It provides an
Only an idiot would purposefully trade a bona-fide abilty for illusory appearance.
Especially concerning matters regarding potentially lethal consequences.
Toys are best left to children. If a person wishes to defend his self, he should do so. If a person wishes to bluff, he should stick to card games. That way, when the bluff gets called, all a person loses is their money.