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Something to think about!!!!


Regular Member
May 1, 2013
Lake Ozark, Mo
After the shellacking I took on my last post I thought I would try again. I assumed at a point in time all of us on an opening carry forum would be supportive of anyone in our group that exposed a liberal leaning lying gun shop owner and took the initiative to address them. But much to my surprise I found that I was the bad guy. Everything from entry into private property to being arrogant and doing harm to the "clause". I ended up blocking two people who I thought where just too abusive.
My question at this point is where is the line in "our efforts" to ensure Missouri becomes a constitutional carry state or is this something that a lot of you are not concerned with?
I assure you, I am not wanting to start another slug fest, but I think this is important to discuss if open carry is to become acceptable in Missouri.
To be quite truthful I can only believe that some of the people that responded to my post were trolls.
At this time I want to thank those who supported my position and supported me when all others were trying to draw blood.
I have belonged to a lot of organizations and a lot of forums in my 65 years but I think this forum needs to think about how members conduct themselves.
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Regular Member
Apr 21, 2011
After the shellacking I took on my last post I thought I would try again. I assumed at a point in time all of us on an opening carry forum would be supportive of anyone in our group that exposed a liberal leaning lying gun shop owner and took the initiative to address them. But much to my surprise I found that I was the bad guy. Everything from entry into private property to being arrogant and doing harm to the "clause". I ended up blocking two people who I thought where just too abusive.
My question at this point is where is the line in "our efforts" to ensure Missouri becomes a constitutional carry state or is this something that a lot of you are not concerned with?
I assure you, I am not wanting to start another slug fest, but I think this is important to discuss if open carry is to become acceptable in Missouri.
To be quite truthful I can only believe that some of the people that responded to my post were trolls.
At this time I want to thank those who supported my position and supported me when all others were trying to draw blood.
I have belonged to a lot of organizations and a lot of forums in my 65 years but I think this forum needs to think about how members conduct themselves.

In reference to your question in bold above, see this thread http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?124039-St-Louis-Open-Carry-Firearm-Education-Walk-Oct-25-2014, which is a great example of a positive, organized effort to ensure that Missouri becomes a Constitutional Carry state.


Accomplished Advocate
Apr 8, 2010
, ,
It is not happening here! Too many old-timers!!!!

Excuse me? it IS happening here sir.

Back to your topic, uhm well not sure what you expect but not everyone is going to agree with you.

I gave you a heads up not to waste your time on target masters, not because of anything beyond their limited view of what they see as important. It was not unknown that they have involved themselves in poor 2a support in the past.

What happened to you on that thread is not particularly a surprise as it seems you do not see a position beyond your own sir.

Despite thinking it was a waste of your time and fuel, I support your right to tell them exactly what you think which you did. You also need to know however I support his right to tell you to f-off and get the hell out of his store if he see's fit as well. He does not have to listen to or tolerate you any more than you do him is the only point to be had and I am not sure that you have taken that away from the other thread.

IMHO you never had a shot at turning them around, they have gone so far as to interfere in the legislative process to press their agenda, the potential loss of one client pales in comparison to the outrage of the political games they played.

I have no problem with one expressing their opinion to me, I will hear it and evaluate it as I see fit, however once they decide to IMPOSE it, I will toss them out on their duff too.

You said you do not want another slugfest, OK, but sir, I offer it is totally unclear what you want from this one other than to gripe about the other one.

Target masters sucks, you opted to tell them as much, they said get out, you left, they still suck but you are mad they tossed you? I am sorry log, I just dont see the problem.


Regular Member
May 17, 2012
Platte City, MO
Contrary to I think your intent, you damage the cause by being seen as, extreme? Disrespectful? I see a point to which you're stomping your feet and having a hissy fit because someone (the gun store and now people here) chose/choose to not do what you want. I would also surmise that the number of people disagreeing with you should tell you something.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
Huffing and puffing rarely works. It's far more effective to go over people's heads and follow proper communication channels, and use leverage as a consumer.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Hi logun,

I think sometimes people consider forums places to vent and argue, and forget what our forefathers understood so well:

"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." A house divided is weak.

Don't worry, you should just have a good laugh about becoming the "misrepresentin' us" scapegoat, because some people laying it on could have looked in the mirror too. We all need to represent better and stop fighting among ourselves.

It's fine to let a shop owner know your opinion, but the media can always find someone to say something dumb. Better to try and get media coverage of something smart, then you affect more people. Winning people over will help preserve our rights.

I predict the NRA will be moving toward a friendlier attitude on open carry, and then there should be less dumb comments published from gun sellers at least! It may take some time. I was happy to see their support for this year's successful bill, even though it was OC via CC, it's still supporting OC.