Regular Member
Experience has proven to me that Walmart is a place of great diversity in just about every aspect. Today I made my way over to the Wallyworld at Colfax & Wads to pick up some groceries and ammo (you know, the necessities) well anyway, I don't think I've ever had a more positive Wallyworld/OC experience. I completed my shopping in relative peace w/o being hassled or threatened by any customers, LEO or employees for my decision to OC. Of course I received a few angry looks, but I'm not so sure that that had anything to do with the fact that I was OCing, after all it is Wallyworld. Well the real surprise came upon checkout when I was thanked by the cashier for "lawfully carrying". My response: "I'm sorry, what?". I couldn't believe what I was hearing! She responded saying that she thought it was great that I was carrying my gun in the open and that her mom used to until she got tired of hearing complaints from people so now she carries concealed. I told her that I could understand her mom's decision, and at least she remains able to defend herself should she ever need to. She agreed, smiled and bid me a good day.
If there's one thing I've learned to expect at Walmart it's to expect the unexpected!
If there's one thing I've learned to expect at Walmart it's to expect the unexpected!