If that were the case...
What you describe is what I would call an atheist. However, some here call themselves atheists who do not fit the "full stop" part of your definition.
Then there are other befitting titles that describe them. "Anti-theist" is probably the most appropriate.
I am, without fail, anti-theist. I am also an Atheist. However, my position of acknowledging a lack of belief or evidence of any deity, not just your own, makes me simply an "atheist".
Now my "anti-religion" position doesn't make me a "militant atheist".
What an incredible way to display your lack of insight. That's like saying, "Militant lack of belief in bigfoot", or "Militant lack of belief in fairies/unicorns and wizards".
It shows that, at the bare minimum, you have no clue what you are talking about and are creating blind terms that are utterly meaningless.
I call them militant atheists, because they are proselytizing their religion every bit as fervently as an evangelist.
Do not dodge this question Eye95 or "move on" from it.
DESCRIBE for us, if you will, what the "religion" of Atheism is.
Go ahead now.
Atheists that fit your above definition would not fret that others believe in God, just as I do not fret over folks who believe in astrology.
Correct! Atheism in itself has no attached, complicated definition that assigns it to WORRY about the deities it does not see evidence of existing!
Atheists can believe millions upon millions of things, with the ONLY core, fundamental trait being, "A lack of acknowledgement or belief in a Deity of ANY religion based on a lack of evidence".
That is it! That's all!
Many Atheists DO however appreciate philosophy, science, and all forms of critical thinking and rationality. This then of course takes us to the point of looking at our world from what CAN be given evidence for,and what CAN be expounded and rationalized upon using evidence and observation.
This will lead us (atheists) into other fields, many of us (myself included), with severe interest and studies in psychology and philosophy, and being a human rights advocate, to our Constitution and the founding of our nation.
But NONE of these extra things add to or define "atheism".
It would literally be like you trying to tell me that a belief that leprechauns do not exist is a religion. If you can't understand what I just clearly, and concisely laid out for you, then there is sincerely no hope for you.
There is no such thing as "militant atheism".
What you are trying to say (let me help you out here) is that there are some on this forum you perceive to be anti-theist.
You would be correct in saying there are indeed anti-theists here.
If it comes up, I'll shrug my shoulders, mention I believe that it is hokum, and maybe say it is silly. I would not continue to harp and mock. That would indicate that astrology mattered to me, that I had a deep-seated (but denied) feeling that there was some there there.
Let me know when astrology starts...:
- Oppressing women
- Demanding its own set of "divine law" be imposed on the masses.
- Goes door to door to give me the information about my sign.
- Rides around on piddly bicycles, leaving flyers on my car.
- Persecuting homosexuals.
- Picketing the funerals of the recently deceased.
- Attempts to obstruct science by injecting Bronze-Age myth.
- Indoctrinates youth based primarily on parents religion and geographical region.
- Mutilating genitals.
- Endorsing slavery.
...and I will add them to my list, not that I don't already acknowledge the harmful effects of pseudopsychology as it is.
You will undoubtedly to to critique the "scale" of many peoples "Christianity" or perhaps dismiss them as a "few whackjobs", but the truth is that they are probably more devout than you are. You just want your newly translatedand adapted version of Christianity to be the one that is considered "normal".
Sorry chief, the whackjobs of Christianity, ALL of them, belong to the Christian camp. Most of them, with very few exceptions, ARE acting within the scope of what would be interpreted as "Divine guidance" through the "Infallible word of God".
That is why I am convinced that the militant atheists actually believe in the existence of God; they just want to deny his authority over them. He will allow them to do that.
He also has allowed and, more importantly, condoned or specifically ordered:
- The rape of women.
- The murder of infants.
- Global genocide.
- Inbreeding.
- Death for apostasy.
What divine, cosmic, all-knowing space-daddy wouldn't WANT to condone these things, right?
I'll keep my rationalized, well though out morals stemming from in-depth critical thought and the belief that I should further mankind and the species as a whole.
You keep your "Gods" bronze-age morality.
I am far more moral than your "god" ever was. In fact, most people are.
On the creation thing, I see these two possibilities:
Oh? Only two?
1. The universe sprung into instantaneous existence out of nothing.
NNNNNNnnnnnn wrong. Tell em what he has lost Johnny!
"Any respect for the subject of the origin of the cosmos!" *applause*
Nobody has ever ,at any time, stated the universe came from "nothing". Science is not ignorant enough to make claims about origination without evidence, substantiation, and through, repeated vetting of the theory.
For example. If I asked you to give me a sample of "nothing", you would be incapable of doing so, because none of us are aware what "nothing" is. Not even science knows what "nothing" is. Science makes no claim TO know what "nothing" is.
This is your (Creationists) veiled "pejorative" in an attempt to discredit long-standing science. That "nothing" gave birth to "nothing" blah blah blah.
It's pitiful because it shows you're too lazy to actually understand what the science actually SAYS.
The idea is that a super dense point of incalculable energy (Hello Higgs-Boson) exploded outward spraying matter throughout the universe. At the center of our observable universe is a supermassive singularity (Thats a "Black-hole", Cletus), and rather equidistantly, is the spreading of galaxies and other spacial phenomena who are still within escape velocity of said singularities gravity well. However, it is hypothesized, and has been thus observed, that the galactic spread of all celestial bodies seems to have been influenced by this super-massive singularity. That is to say, our galaxies position in relation to all other galaxies, in relation to said singularity, is pretty much on the money for an explanation of what spit all this matter out.
We can watch the movement of stellar objects and gauge the time traveled. Let's just say it's nowhere near 6,000 years.
We have learned a lot by casting aside "God did it", and in fact, you MUST do so to be open to all possibilities.
After all, the Bible gives pretty specific details on the formation of the Earth, essentially all of which conflict with our observed, scientific understanding.
One is right. The other is not.
Then again, maybe "god" did put those
Triceratops Horridus bones there to "test our faith". It's possible I guess, just not plausible.
2. An external entity spawned it.
A phenomenon never witnessed before, ever, in nature.
It also, inexcusably and unarguably adds another layer of complication to the origin of our cosmos and its inhabitants.
Saying so does not make it so.
This does not simply push the question backwards in time because time is a construct of THIS universe. Time could well not exist for the entity that spawned our universe.
Unsubstantiated mythological inference. You have no scientific qualification for this claim so I have to extrapolate that you believe time didn't exist prior to our universes formation because you attribute it to a deity.
Circular argument based on an unsubstantiated assertion of the existence of a deity.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.
If I were that entity and tried to explain this concept of timelessness to BC and early AD folks, I think I might say something along the lines of my being the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.
So. You are the master of time and space, capable of infinite manipulation of either.
-You choose to occupy your time with ONLY a select group of individuals in a specific tribe.
-You then elect to have them prove their love by animal sacrifice.
-You are "pleased" by the burnt odor of dead animals. (Nevermind you could generate this odor nonstop as the aforementioned master of time and space, I mean, if this obviously wasn't barbaric/pagan as hell anyways.)
-You order your tribe to go murder other tribes, to include their women and children.
...all of this while the Chinese are far more advanced at the same time, in large societies.
Forgive me, this is starting to sound a bit like a Bronze-Age myth, and frankly, you sound like you have't even given this argument a whole lot of though. I am particularly disappointed (yet not surprised) at your dismal understanding of the Big Bang Theory.