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Views on students for concealed carry


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
I am writing a argumentative paper on students rights to carry concealed guns on campus and would like to get some opinions on the subject from real people. If you would like to help me and do not mind being quoted in my paper here are a few questions I would like your opinion on.

1. Do you think college students should be able to protect themselves on campus by carrying [strike]concealed[/strike] guns?
2.If you do not agree with college students carrying guns on campus what do you suggest as a way to better protect them from school shootings?
3.One argument for students not being able to carry guns on campus is that college students sometimes use drugs and alcohol, but how do you feel about the fact that these same students are able to carry at other places like a grocery store? What makes them responsible enough to carry other places but to irresponsible to carry at school?
4.Do you think guns on campus would result in higher suicide rates?
5. Do you think [strike]concealed[/strike] guns on campus would distract from the learning experience?
6.Should students be able to defend themselves or should there safety be left up to officials?
7.Would [strike]concealed[/strike] carry on campus have prevented school massacres like the one at Virginia Tech?
8.What problems, if any do you think could arise from students having [strike]concealed[/strike] guns?

1. as fixed, yes. 2. yes. 3. that is from an anti-liberty argument 4.no 5. as fixed, only hurt those who are too stupid to be in school in the first place. 6. everyone should be able to defend themselves. 7. very likely 8. stupid hoplophobes.

BTW this site is about OPEN CARRY not concealed carry.... I fixed your mistakes...


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I would expect that quotes would be included and edited in accordance with your goals. Also not sure how anonymus internet sources make for valid data in any event.

We know nothing about you. Not what school, what course, how the assignment instructions read.

Rather than conduct a blind survey and gather responses from a variety of people, which could be spun according to your unknown agenda, possible bias, I would have another suggestion -

Contact John Pierce by PM and make your pitch to him. If he is convinced that you are legitmate, he can answer all of your questions and reference why that is our position.

I strongly urge the member/users here to not individually respond - let John handle this one if he so choses.

If he elects to pass, so should we as any post here will be considered as having come from OCDO - we do not speak before the public as the voice of OCDO, John does.

The other alternative that this person has is to contact local Iowa RKBA organizations in an interview style format. We have done just that with several colleges/universities in Virginia.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
If he elects to pass, so should we as any post here will be considered as having come from OCDO - we do not speak before the public as the voice of OCDO, John does.

Considered by who? Certainly not anyone that knows the least about how public internet forums work. To attribute a member's post to "OCDO" would be a flat lie -- a gross error at best.

Not that I disagree about allowing someone like the founders of OCDO answer the questions... Just saying, it would be erroneous to attribute forum members' comments to OCDO as an organization. Even to say "an OCDO member" could be erroneous.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Considered by who? Certainly not anyone that knows the least about how public internet forums work. To attribute a member's post to "OCDO" would be a flat lie -- a gross error at best.

Not that I disagree about allowing someone like the founders of OCDO answer the questions... Just saying, it would be erroneous to attribute forum members' comments to OCDO as an organization. Even to say "an OCDO member" could be erroneous.

Thank goodness nothing like that has ever been done before - thing is, we have no control over what is said or how.

Interesting that the OP has not been back to supply simple requested information about him/herself.

A driveby looking to stir the pot?


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
Well his edit notes say...

"Reason: sorry didn't know how to go about it, guess this wasn't the right way "

So I imagine he felt somewhat run-off. I don't sense pot-stirring, more jumping into project perhaps without thinking it through all the way and ended up asking a bunch of "defensive" folks a bunch of very serious, hard to answer "on the record" questions.

I am thankful if no false contribution has been made to "OCDO" in the past and I do understand that there is no control over the media types and the lows that they might find themselves stooping to in order to paint a negative picture.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
Well his edit notes say...

"Reason: sorry didn't know how to go about it, guess this wasn't the right way "

So I imagine he felt somewhat run-off. I don't sense pot-stirring, more jumping into project perhaps without thinking it through all the way and ended up asking a bunch of "defensive" folks a bunch of very serious, hard to answer "on the record" questions.

I am thankful if no false contribution has been made to "OCDO" in the past and I do understand that there is no control over the media types and the lows that they might find themselves stooping to in order to paint a negative picture.

Maybe my straight forward answers shocked him/her too badly.

I hope that is not the case but, who really knows.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
He told us nothing about himself by which we could confirm anything. When asked, he pulled up stakes.

Been interviewed a number of times by media/press and by students trying to form groups or doing a paper. Always have had their personal bio and contact information in hand first.

In the case of foreign press, have asked to see a sample of their work and bring our own video team to keep things honest. Out of context quotes can do a lot of damage, and having final review authority is unlikely, so having our own backup if needed to set the record straight is just good business.