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Regular Member
Jul 24, 2007
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
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The mods were kind enough to make this thread a stick because people thought that it was an important topic. I, think it's an important topic. As such, I believe it would be better served if we not allow this thread to dwindle into an off topic discussion about creative writing, and grammar.


Regular Member
Jan 3, 2009
Southern, Mississippi, USA
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Even though I am not in MI, I feel it is good "IANAL"advice and can be used in other states as well.

Thanks for taking the time topost that, now I need to get the "wash, rinse, repeat" burned into my head.


Regular Member
May 26, 2009
Detroit, Michigan, USA
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ghostrider wrote:
I am adding these two videos.

The first one is important for people because it demonstrates how what is said on the street (by you as well as the officer) can be twisted by the officer in the courtroom.

Here's an interesting youtube to listen to. The video had problems for me downloading, and kept reloading. However, the video wasn't all that long, and the courtroom audio is played afterward. No problems with the courtroom audio.

It was interesting listening to how the officer and prosecutor tried to twist things around to get a conviction. It was almost so wild I'm not even sure to believe it's true.


The second one is a good example of someone who was in a tense situation (to say the least) while being detained and questioned by TSA agents who desperately tried to intimidate. Listen/watch all of it, because Judge Napolitano’s comments are worthy of audience.

I'm sure this has been covered before on other areas of this baord, but I'm posting here because it is a follow up to the initial fox news coverage.

I think it's good for people to hear what kind of antics the authorities will use to intimidate, coerce, and infringe upon peoples rights. Having such knowledge will help preparation for eventual encounters.


This is the story of Steve Bierfeldt. He is the Director of Development for the Campaign for Liberty, which is Ron Paul's group IIRC. He was detained by TSA because he had a bit of cash while trying to fly.

All he did was ask them if he was legally required to answer their questions. Listen to Judge Andrew Napolitano’s comments on this incident, and other's like it. Chilling.

Man, this is crazy,whats wrong with theseLEO's?


Regular Member
Nov 29, 2008
Cary, North Carolina, USA
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Great thread!

Two of THE best pieces of advice I have seen out here! Expect confrontation if you are going to OC and handle the encounter as if you were setting up the courtroom trial.

Yes it's a right, but it is a rarely used right and too many people are not accustomed to seeing a civilian with a sidearm in public. The probability of an encounter of some sort is relatively high depending on the community.

It's court case rulings that help protect the second amendment, not street arguments that escalate. Be calm, and gather evidence against your opponent.

I was in a firearm shop the other day and a gentleman who had just purchased a sidearm was nervous and had to ask how he could get the firearm home! It's not just 2nd amendment opponents who will be shocked to see you open carry, it is people who are pro-2nd amendment too.

Be calm, know your rights and the rights of the person confronting you, and you'll be well on your way to educating and creating precedent for something that should be a more well known right.
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