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African americans open carrying


Regular Member
Sep 15, 2009
, ,
" oh no the nigras have guns too? What are we rich, white plantation owners gonna do now?" oh sorry by the way you were treated I thought this was 1865 all over again.

Thats crazy man. Keep up the fight and don't let em push you around. Use the courts to push back a bit and keep us posted.

Can you be stopped in GA just for OCing or do they need some sort of other PC to check yer lic.?


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2008
on a rock in the james river
Hustleman, I admire your spirit.

Good advice on this thread. See the Danbus history in the VA section. Carry a recorder if you legally can.

I am not a darker skinned citizen, and, to be honest, don't know how I would feel about OC'ing if I was and lived in a neighborhood targeted by law enforcement or riddled with drug crime. Seems both sides could make life difficult for an OC'er in a heavily disputed area. Spoke to a young black man the other morning at an OC breakfast. He was not well informed, but was very interested in knowing that open carry was legal for a non-felon. He started the conversation by asking "what kind of permit do you need to carry like that?" (none whatsoever in VA). We gave him some info cards.

Others are correct in stating that most gun control laws were enacted as a way to disarm blacks. Totally misguided. As referenced above, living in a poorer more crime ridden area gives one even more reason to carry.

I hope you continue to carry, fight the good fight for all our rights, and help to keep the Atlanta PD acting lawfully.
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Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Today was the subcommittee hearing on our proposed open carry bill in Texas. One of the six citizens who showed up to testify was a tall articulate African American gentleman who did a great job speaking in favor of the bill.

The exercise of our rights is always going to be perceived differently by people based on our appearances and their prejudices. Accept it, then have confidence in yourself. The surest way to appear guilty of something is to feel guilty of something.


Campaign Veteran
Jun 6, 2010
Anchorage, Alaska
Ain't it funny? According to conventional wisdom, we're just a bunch of gun nuts, which means we're backwards, inbred, racist, homophobic, anti-Semite, bigoted old white fat men.

Threads like this bring out the reality of the Liberty movement: liberty is for everyone, and liberty lovers don't place limits on who should or shouldn't enjoy liberty.

Well...I am an old white fat man! On the other stuff...not so much.

One night in a campground, I suggested that a drunk take his obnoxious venom back to his own RV. He said, "Admit it...you wouldn't want your daughter to marry a [pejorative term for black person]!" To which I replied, "Why not? My son did." He stared for a second and then walked away. My wife said that the look on my face could freeze water; maybe it clued him that things might take an ugly turn. I grew up in a totally white community and overt racism was the norm. I even bought into it -- ignorance being a major part of prejudice -- but being in combat pretty much snuffed out the idea that the amount of melanin in one's skin means anything at all. (Well, actually, later in medical school I learned that melanin helps to protect against skin cancer, but except for that...) My daughter-in-law is an awesome gal and if you're insulting her, you're walkin' on the fightin' side of me!

Freedom is where it's at! The freedom to be an American exercising the rights of an American in defense of America! As a military doctor, I've treated war-injured of every conceivable race and a considerable number who can claim multiple races and every one of them is a hero to me.

Americans who overcome obstacles like racism and disability to exercise their rights and show others the way are heroes to me as well. Keep up the good fight!


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Why don't you sue the police for racial discrimination?
you can make a lot of money ...


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2008
on a rock in the james river
Nice post cavalryman.

I too, grew up in a somewhat racist area of the south. Luckily, my parents were from the midwest and had no such prejudices. I have found that those who have lived in the military tend to lose their misguided preconceptions.

I met a man once who was the great or great-great grandson of a well known confederate general. He had grown up around the world on air force bases; his father was a pilot. He lamented the racism that still existed in the Va. county his dad chose to retire in.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
Yes, I have learned the recording laws and I now record leo encounters.

I will not stop carrying, it's just a minor annoyance

Swyped from my HTC EVO 4G using tapatalk!

that's what i like to hear.

i hate stereotypes, and i hate racial profiling, so i'm glad you are out there putting in a "good word" for yourself.

Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
Cavalryman, from an old non-fat white man who also had to work on overcoming socially ingrained prejudices, I understand your journey. And having had the honor to serve as a physician to vets and active duty Army in my career, I can say thank you for your service to our great country!

Now that we have talked about our own journeys, let's get back to the OP. I certainly hope he will take our advice and at least consult an att'y about a suit. If that isn't in the cards, I sincerely hope that Hustleman will at least continue to OC proudly. CC is fine, but it requires a permit in most states, making it a privelege. OC is where the rights meet the road, and therefore is where the real action is ! Carry on, gentlemen !

The Wolfhound

Regular Member
Sep 3, 2009
Henrico, Virginia, USA
Keep up the battle

"RIGHTS" apply to all or to none. Privilege is selective. Think about traveling in 3s instead of pairs when with your white OC friend. The other friend has the video camera. Racial discrimination is against the law and for good reason. Now the next step is in the Black comunity: a man with a gun is NOT automatically a thug and a threat. That will be a tough climb. Next time you come in contact with LEO ask how many thugs they have arrested wearing holsters? Bet that will make them think.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Yes, at least until you get a new belt that fits!

I hear that. I have already purchased new belts (and a lot of other new clothing). However, I won't buy another new belt until I lose that last 25. I'll just keep adding holes to the belts I have. It's tacky, but, considering the cost of quality belts, It'll have to do.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Well, I am a hispanic, or Latino, and became a US citizen in 1982, and about 2 years ago I found out that O.C. was my right, and I been doin it openly all over Boise, Idaho, only one man told me that it was not right for a hispanic to bring a gun to the super market, but I ignore him, I guess till now I am the only hispanic doin it, I feel lonely,I wish more hispanics do O.C. in Boise, maybe some day, I still talking with them at the markets most of them ask questions about the legality in O.C. I ask them if they are a US citizen most say yes, and I say to them then it is your right to O.C. if you wish, well if there are hispanics in this forum, please let me know, you can find me at the Idaho forum or find me at Facebook under David Diaz, I am packing my inseparable 44 magnun in the picture.

You are setting the example others will surely follow. I am glad you didn't let the ignorance of one idiot deter you from what is right.

carry for myself

Regular Member
May 1, 2011
the race card sucks. i personally fear white people more than african americans. I live in Maine. white people here are dangerous. I think these cops need to stop the racial profiling and go after the guys whos guns you cant see. JMO. keep strong and keep carrying. they will become educated eventually...i hope


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
the race card sucks. i personally fear white people more than african americans. I live in Maine. white people here are dangerous. I think these cops need to stop the racial profiling and go after the guys whos guns you cant see. JMO. keep strong and keep carrying. they will become educated eventually...i hope

Saying you fear white people more than you do black people is just as silly as the reverse. Find other criteria to decide whether a person merits fearing.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Saying you fear white people more than you do black people is just as silly as the reverse. Find other criteria to decide whether a person merits fearing.
I think you missed his point. He lives in Maine. He fears white people more than black people because he probably goes days at a time without seeing a single black person.