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African americans open carrying


Regular Member
Apr 8, 2011
I myself am an african american and as much as I hate to claim the race card, it holds true in open carry situations.

I've been places with a white friend and we both open carried and law enforcement felt the need to detain me, seize my gun, THEN check my permit (in that order). But my white friend was not treated this way. His permit wasn't even checked.

Just to give a little extra information, that day I was coming from a job interview, I was clean shaven, neat, wearing slacks, shirt, and tie, so I did not present the gangster hoodlum image, at least not in my view.

I've once been pulled off of a train by 5 leos, stripped of my gun, slammed against the wall and humiliated only to find that I was in possession of a very valid permit (weapons carry license as it's known as in georgia).

I've had 911 called on me, even joined blackgunowners.org and was told that my experience was the norm for a man of color.

Any other black men or women here have any oc experiences?

Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using tapatalk!


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina
You have many friends

Hustleman, There is nothing wrong with using the race card when it is true. Too many times, it is used unnecessarily. Sometimes, however, it is true as in your particular case. Is there any way you could get about 50 open carriers of all persuasions to meet for a lunch or dinner get together? Or for all of you to open carry while doing a volunteer litter pick-up on a few streets as they have done in New Hampshire. Advertise it first. Maybe law enforcement or a reporter will cover the event. This may not be much comfort to you, but here in NJ, they do not discriminate. They HATE all gun owners equally. Hang in there, buddy.

MR Redenck

Regular Member
Nov 1, 2010
West Texas
The race card is exactly what it is. Those carry license are nothing more than a card to keep certain people from carrying.
Im not black, im just a Redneck who see's it all way too clear.
One of the most evident things I have noticed with any right's issues is "men". When a man see's another man he needs to understand " We All Have The Same Rights"!
That right there is the problem!
Here in Texas, the CHL license has been established with high fee's and excessive requirement. This makes it unattractive to most anyone.
Well now im ranting......

The simple fact that your treated like **** for being a black man who chooses to exercise his rights makes us all look bad. The cops have no right to slam you against the wall to check your ID. " I hope you sue their butt's off".
Being American does not involve color. We all have to same rights no matter who we are, where we go, or where we live.
This kind of conduct needs to end!


Regular Member
Mar 18, 2011
Goldsboro, NC
I have 100% sympathy to you and what you are going through. I don't like for a race card to be pulled at every situation that one feels there is justificaiton. But you sir ARE justified today when you deal with that. It is true, sadly that they can't look at the clean shaven, well dressed man and see color of skin to associate. Don't buckle, don't break down, down faulter. Keep goin' on because one day even black people, latinos and every one els will be able to ignore race.

I for one don't ever judge on race alone. Clothing, attitude, speach and overall the way you carry yourself is how i make an opinion about someone. We all have our trash and it's not a racial thing anymore. It's the scum of humanity. The murderers, rapists and theives and they come in all shapes and sizes. We can quickly recognize many of them by the oversize pants hanging off their *** and the overall lack of decent grooming. The danger is the ones you can't easily identify but they are right there on our TV, radio, and political office sometimes. College educated, well dress, groomed for success SoBs that don't care about you or me. They steal our rights if we don't watch them and ignore them. Alas I rant now...

Carry on, sir. You have done nothing wrong. You know this. Take it each time they abuse you, that is a little victory. You are lawfully carrying though they don't want you to. But they can't take it away from you, can they? Smile everytime this happens because though they might harrass and hummiliate you, you won because you went home. And it will make them even more angry when you walk away with a smile on your face.

It's like a little "neener-neener neener-neener."


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2010
I myself am an african american and as much as I hate to claim the race card, it holds true in open carry situations.

I've been places with a white friend and we both open carried and law enforcement felt the need to detain me, seize my gun, THEN check my permit (in that order). But my white friend was not treated this way. His permit wasn't even checked.

Just to give a little extra information, that day I was coming from a job interview, I was clean shaven, neat, wearing slacks, shirt, and tie, so I did not present the gangster hoodlum image, at least not in my view.

I've once been pulled off of a train by 5 leos, stripped of my gun, slammed against the wall and humiliated only to find that I was in possession of a very valid permit (weapons carry license as it's known as in georgia).

I've had 911 called on me, even joined blackgunowners.org and was told that my experience was the norm for a man of color.

Any other black men or women here have any oc experiences?

Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using tapatalk!

Learn the audio/video recording laws for your area/state.... and carry a recorder as appropriate. If you are experiencing any sort of unjust actions by the authorities.... regardless of reason.... the recordings will do nothing but help you.

Good luck with it.


Regular Member
Apr 8, 2011
Yes, I have learned the recording laws and I now record leo encounters.

I will not stop carrying, it's just a minor annoyance

Swyped from my HTC EVO 4G using tapatalk!


New member
Apr 6, 2011
Downtown Richmond, VA
New to Open Carry...waiting on CHP in Richmond, VA

Well, i am just startign to open carry selectively, in certian places and at certian times. hoping to move to fultime carry when I get my permit.

As an african American, I too get looks, but I think Iam often mistaken for and LEO. Standing at 6" 6" tall. I read the stories and wondered it race, attire and other features like tattoos made a difference.

Thanks for sharing and keep on carrying.


Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
A friend of mine, who went by the name of Danbus on these boards, was probably one of the first black men to OC in the Tidewater, VA area. He too, was slammed up against a wall by Norfolk police with two pistols aimed at his head, but ultimately wasn't arrested because the cops realized they couldn't charge him with anything. Long story short, he successfully sued the city and took a $15,000 settlement. This is all documented in the Virginia section for 2008-2009. He had a few other interesting events, but he took it all in stride and still OC's regularly. He even had a blue baseball cap that said "Black Man With a Gun" or "BMWAG" as we said.

Don't let the bastards grind you down. Sue if you have been wronged. Come to these boards for advice and support. This is a modern civil rights issue and it is being won! (None of the local police now do any heavy-handed stuff with anyone OC ing, black or white.)

TriniQue, you ought to come to some of the Richmond area OC dinners. Check the Virginia section for dates and times!
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Regular Member
Mar 9, 2011
Sucks if you're getting heat just cause you're a black dude.. I think people can get heat (unwarrented even so) if they look trashy, or thuggish (white dudes too) but there's just no excuse (except hating on black people) to harrass someone who is doing something legal and making it look good while they do it (ie shirt and tie).

Sorry about your troubles dude... SUPER lame.

I know other people feel different than I do, but I feel if you are going to open carry you should make sure you don't look like cooter the tow truck driver if possible... but you can't always scrub up before you go out.... and sounds like you were def. looking professional... again.. sorry you're having to put up with bullcrap.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2009
Northwest Kent County, Michigan
Selective treatment of Citizens based on their skin color has to stop! Get involved with your local gun rights groups (if you already aren't) and sue!

You don't need to get arrested for anything to have standing to sue (in fact being the plaintiff, rather than a defendant, means YOU are in control of the legal proceedings, the defendants (i.e. city, police department, individual officers involved, etc. are the ones sweating it out). You call the shots!

Get hold of Danbus, if possible, and have a long talk.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Along with Danbus and your local gun rights groups, get involved with Pink Pistols, too. You don't have to be gay, just like you don't have to be Jewish to join Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership.

Both of those groups understand the importance of being armed, especially for members of minority groups.


Campaign Veteran
Jun 6, 2010
Anchorage, Alaska
I definitely hate to read of your problems exercising your right. I certainly hope that isn't the case everywhere. Here in Alaska, open carry is completely legal and is done not infrequently, although I don't recall ever hearing that African-Americans are targeted for special "attention." I'm not black, but my grandsons are, and I'd be absolutely furious if they were treated badly based upon their race. Perhaps by the time they're old enough to carry firearms, it won't be an issue anymore. You have my moral support. Keep your chin up and don't let them intimidate you.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Ain't it funny? According to conventional wisdom, we're just a bunch of gun nuts, which means we're backwards, inbred, racist, homophobic, anti-Semite, bigoted old white fat men.

Threads like this bring out the reality of the Liberty movement: liberty is for everyone, and liberty lovers don't place limits on who should or shouldn't enjoy liberty.


Regular Member
Apr 8, 2011
Ain't it funny? According to conventional wisdom, we're just a bunch of gun nuts, which means we're backwards, inbred, racist, homophobic, anti-Semite, bigoted old white fat men.

Threads like this bring out the reality of the Liberty movement: liberty is for everyone, and liberty lovers don't place limits on who should or shouldn't enjoy liberty.

Amen to that! Guns are universal and more than just criminals have them.

Swyped from my HTC EVO 4G using tapatalk!

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Yes, I have learned the recording laws and I now record leo encounters.

I will not stop carrying, it's just a minor annoyance

Swyped from my HTC EVO 4G using tapatalk!

Keep up the good work and am glad you are determined not to stop carrying. Does your state have a Stop and identify statue? Did the cop give RAS for his detaining you?( reasonable articulable suspicion) Danbus a member from Virginia faced a few similar situations as yourself and he won a few settlements because of it.

Much of Gun control started much as a 'racial' issue and some of our major recent victories in court have been by men of African heritage. Keep up the fine fight!
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Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
Another resource is Rev. Ken Blanchard, the original "Black Man With a Gun". He has a parish in D.C. but his draw is nationwide. You can google him to get his background. I've spoken with him and attended one of his talks (at Richmond Va's Lobby Day a few years ago February when we assembled, peaceably armed, at our General Assembly Building.) He is a compelling speaker and a "true believer"!

By the way, Hustleman and MoniQue, welcome aboard! This could be an interesting journey for you all.


Regular Member
Oct 9, 2009
Boise, Idaho, United States
Well, I am a hispanic, or Latino, and became a US citizen in 1982, and about 2 years ago I found out that O.C. was my right, and I been doin it openly all over Boise, Idaho, only one man told me that it was not right for a hispanic to bring a gun to the super market, but I ignore him, I guess till now I am the only hispanic doin it, I feel lonely,I wish more hispanics do O.C. in Boise, maybe some day, I still talking with them at the markets most of them ask questions about the legality in O.C. I ask them if they are a US citizen most say yes, and I say to them then it is your right to O.C. if you wish, well if there are hispanics in this forum, please let me know, you can find me at the Idaho forum or find me at Facebook under David Diaz, I am packing my inseparable 44 magnun in the picture.