What a plethora of conflicting statements from Thomas' mother:
"Thomas' mother, Kim Thomas, described her son as quiet, reserved, trustworthy and laid back.
This is the antithesis of a person who robs drug stores with a shotgun.
She said he was also influenced by peer pressure and changed so much in the past year that she barely recognized him.
So then he wasn't quite exactly "quiet, reserved, trustworthy and laid back," at least not any more.
The parents both described their son as increasingly depressed and aloof.
So then he definately was no longer "quiet, reserved, trustworthy and laid back."
She said she knew this is how his life would end.
"Every time I hear a gunshot, I grab the phone and call to make sure it wasn't my son," she said.
So then she was probably well aware of the fact his activities were of such a nature he would likely run afoul of the law, or worse.
The past year made her realize she had lost contact with the son she once knew, the mother said.
So then she was definately aware of the fact her son was no longer the "quiet, reserved, trustworthy and laid back" person she once knew.
She said when he was shot outside King Science School in April 2009, that was just the beginning. "My son was shot. Three months ago, my son dropped out of school. The last two months, my son stayed away," Kim Thomas said.
So then the change in his behavior from the "quiet, reserved, trustworthy and laid back" person she once knew was so severe it was readily apparent to her and others that it was dramatically changing the course of his life.
She said she has already forgiven McCullough...
For what? Defending himself and others against rampant, armed violence during an attempted robbery?
...though she is disturbed that he's being called a hero.
Why? Because he defended himself and others against rampant, armed violence during an attempted robbery?
The two surviving suspects are known gang members. Anyone care to wager the deceased was a gang member, as well?
Anyone care to wager the real issue here is that many people in our society simply cannot think straight, and because they cannot think straight, their actions, or lack thereof, are out of synch with reality?