Regular Member
I'm a liberal.
I don't care if you marry another guy.
I don't care if your sister terminates her pregnancy in the first trimester.
I don't think that racial discrimination in hiring and housing should be legal.
"Classical liberal" is sophistry on the right, just as "progressive" is sophistry on the left.
What the Obama types are is not liberal. Statist, authoritarian, totalitarian, fascist, thuggish or simply cravenly corrupt, but in NO way "liberal", by ANY rational measure.
Obama is just the lesser of two weevils. Romney has all the true signs of a carpet bagging B/S-er. Reminds me so much of Nixon that I cannot get over it. History has repeated itself. The zombie of Nixon has returned in the face of Romney.
In a few more days, Romney's daily 15 minutes of fame will be over. Then he and Ryan will be totally forgotten by history.
Then Romney will just go back to being a rich man that made all his money laying off people and outsourcing their jobs to China.
The irony is that not even China likes Romney anymore. They used to, but during this campaign he has bad mouthed China so much that now they want Obama instead to win. China has flip flopped on Romney.
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