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Obama hasn't messed witrh my guns


Activist Member
Dec 9, 2010
Ashland, KY
I didn't know there was 'period' 'writing', I always thought you just dotted the paper at the correct location and a period was left behind. :rolleyes:

HAHAHA, I new someone would say such a thing!

While I'm here, I have another comment to the poster:

You criticize our RIGHT to hoard firearms and ammunition, but did you know in Revolution times -- and before and after -- that there were laws in many colonies/states that required EVERY home contain a acertain amount of arms, powder, lead, etc. Not only this, but each home also had to have a certain amount of lead balls manufactured, musket caps and a full powder horn in case they needed them at a moments notice. Perhaps you should also research the laws and statutes of the time that REQUIRED all able-bodied men to be armed and at all times and locations. It is impossible to argue against the rights the Second Amendment protects; the Anti-rights folks attempt to do so, but all they can use to do so are lies and deceit!


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Remember, it wasn't MY term. In MY opinion, it doesn't mean ANYTHING. I see it as an evasion.

Usually, I find that conservatives call a liberal a "classical liberal" when they agree with some of his beliefs. They just can't bring themselves to call you a "liberal" because then they'd have to admit that they agree with a liberal.

In the past, I've had authoritarian leftists call me a "libertarian" in a pejorative sense. This was ESPECIALLY ironic when those same "liberals" were quite free with their racial slurs and praised the neo-Nazis of the National Alliance as "polite and honest".

I understand. Thanks.

I think there is a misunderstanding of terminology here.

When someone says classical liberal, I take them to mean liberal in the Jeffersonian sense. What liberal used to mean before the power-lusters stole the term and used it for cover for all sorts of completely anti-liberty laws, regulations, and general divide-and-conquer tactics.
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Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.
So im assuming you also support being able to marry your sister, mom, dad, brother, uncle, best friend, all at the same time?
I have biological issues with incest. I don't want to support your two headed kids.

So you support murdering babies before 13 weeks, but once the baby reaches 13 weeks and 1 day, you dont support it? what changes between day 91 and day 92 that makes this your cutoff for murder?
I'd have to believe it WAS a "baby" in any meaningful sense for it to be "murder". Do you oppose the "murder" of sperm?

so you are against affirmative action?
Not completely. I think sometimes it makes sense in specific instances, with specific victims of discrimination. At a certain point, you have to ask whether you're righting an existing wrong, or just paying off a constituency.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.

Huffington is giving Ohio to Obama. So have most commentators on ABC, BBC, CBS, CNN, NBC, PBS, Bloomberg, and virtually everyone except FOX.

What is your read from within Ohio yourself?

COMMENTS REMOVED BY ADMINISTRATOR: Totally inappropriate personal attack
I think there is an excellent chance that Romney will carry Ohio.

Regardless of how you feel about Romney, Obama has done quite literally NOTHING to merit reelection.

His horrific mismanagement of the economy is reason enough for him to slink off into obscure ignominy.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.
9/11 terrorists had motivation because of U.S. presence (forceful presence) in their countries
In what Muslim country were we "forcefully" present on 9/11/2001? Bosnia? I seem to remember us "forcefully" preventing the Serbs from SLAUGHTERING Muslims.

The truth is that Al Qaeda is a millenarian death cult. They hate all which is not THEM, including the majority of other Muslims. They murder FAR more Muslims than anyone else.

They sure seem to kill a LOT of Shi'ite Muslims. Is that because of the Shi'ites' "forceful presence" in... Iraq... where they're the MAJORITY population???
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sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
It's too bad you don't have Scalia's job or you could have written the court's opinion.

As such, when Scalia writes it becomes law.

Everybody else's is just more BS.


In what Muslim country were we "forcefully" present on 9/11/2001? Bosnia? I seem to remember us "forcefully" preventing the Serbs from SLAUGHTERING Muslims.

The truth is that Al Qaeda is a millenarian death cult. They hate all which is not THEM, including the majority of other Muslims. They murder FAR more Muslims than anyone else.

They sure seem to kill a LOT of Shi'ite Muslims. Is that because of the Shi'ites' "forceful presence" in... Iraq... where they're the MAJORITY population???

Don't disagree with what you are saying...just like Christians have slaughtered each other more than other religious groups. Interesting thing about Serbia is how one sided we were on that conflict in favor of Muslims even when they were committing atrocities too.

All I am saying is that most the 9/11 attackers were from countries we have bases in the CIA even recognized the U.S. reason of the attacks in a theory called "blow back". What I fear is the next blow back attack with Obama's (and I have no doubt Romney will continue) use of drones to kill people in foreign lands. It's coming.

I am pretty convinced that if China had bases in some of our states that there would be Americans pissed off enough to do something to China regardless of what our governments position was on it.


Regular Member
May 19, 2010
Montmorency Co, MI, ,
I dont know how/why you believe that.

He has banned the return of over a MILLION M1 rifles and M1 carbines from S Korea_-

He has his Sec Of State making treaties w/ the UN banning guns-

He has stated that 'when the election is over he will have more leeway" regarding all kinds of weapons.

Im sure others will be able to (or will alreay have done so) point out where you are wrong on many more counts...

This has got to be a very dirty election-=on all levels.

Look at the Proposals here in MI--6 of em. The TV stations run the ads. and take millions. One says someting and 2 sec later another says just the opposite (the energy thing is great for that).. 186 MILLION less in utility bills in ILLINOIS. Next ad says bills are goping up..

Folks-they cant both be correct. Same goes for US SENATE in MI. Someone (maybe both) are LYING.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.
All I am saying is that most the 9/11 attackers were from countries we have bases in
We have bases in, to name a few:
Japan (including Okinawa)
United Kingdom (including England, Wales and Scotland)
Republic of Korea
Serbia (Kosovo)

The popularity of our presence in these countries waxes and wanes over time and with the ebb and flow of current events, but somehow we've yet to see any Flemings or Walloons fly any planes into buildings in the United States.

Instead, virtually ALL such attacks have originated from a particular slice of a particular religion in certain places.

If it were JUST, or even primarily, the bases, Japanese should be blowing themselves up in our subways EVERY day. After all, we've been in Japan since 1945...


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.
OK, when was the last report of Christians slaughtering Christians. I've must have missed that one on Drudge.
In Yugoslavia in the '90s.

Croatians are by and large Catholics who engaged in the same sort of religious and ethnic conflict with the Orthodox Serbs as the Muslim Bosnians and Kosovars did.

That being said, most of the whackjob religiously motivated carnage today is between Muslims and between Muslims and just about any kind of non-Muslims, be they Christians, Hindus or Buddhists.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.
Personally, I think this is a very funny thread. It was started by a troll (note the post count), and continued by another - or the same one under a different name.

And you guys are biting! He's got you hooked!:lol:
He's basically been Toby-Slapped, then kicked to the curb in favor of discussion of substantive matters...

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
In Yugoslavia in the '90s.

Croatians are by and large Catholics who engaged in the same sort of religious and ethnic conflict with the Orthodox Serbs as the Muslim Bosnians and Kosovars did.

That being said, most of the whackjob religiously motivated carnage today is between Muslims and between Muslims and just about any kind of non-Muslims, be they Christians, Hindus or Buddhists.

The Yugoslav Wars were fought primarily over land (as usual), political power (as usual), and ethnicity (as almost usual, kinda like Yankees and Mets fans). The religious backgrounds of the combatants is irrelevant. That region of the world has been fighting of land and power for centuries, a great many centuries.

Where does this leave us? My question remains unanswered: When was the last report of Christians slaughtering Christians?


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2008
West Bloomfield, Michigan, USA
Obama hasn't messed with my guns.

A hot-mic Obama wasn't aware of picked this up:

President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."

Brady Campaign President Dan Gross: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Dennis, and I stand with you."

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
We have bases in, to name a few:
Japan (including Okinawa)
United Kingdom (including England, Wales and Scotland)
Republic of Korea
Serbia (Kosovo)

The popularity of our presence in these countries waxes and wanes over time and with the ebb and flow of current events, but somehow we've yet to see any Flemings or Walloons fly any planes into buildings in the United States.

Instead, virtually ALL such attacks have originated from a particular slice of a particular religion in certain places.

If it were JUST, or even primarily, the bases, Japanese should be blowing themselves up in our subways EVERY day. After all, we've been in Japan since 1945...

Those countries don't have their clergy working up men to attack us. When that religion tells you we are Satan, and they see our presence there it creates a motive for attack. I am not saying no attacks will happen and that they won't hate us , if China set up a base here I could definitely imagine some more of our "militant" population not being to pleased and attacking China bases or China possibly using some religious reason for doing so. Maybe construing China as the biblical beast of the north or some made up ridiculous notion.

I say we withdraw our troops from most areas around the world, we shouldn't be the worlds police, that isn't moral or constitutional especially since we won't win a religious war, all we are doing is making martyrs and strengthening the position and the fervor of their religious convictions.

I do know that our soldiers in Philippines were attacked fairly often too. Would be interesting to find out more about the folks who were attacking and their religious background, although mostly a Catholic country there is quite a large Muslim population there too.


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.
The religious backgrounds of the combatants is irrelevant.
Not to the participants.

Serbs repeatedly appeared in the media at the time appealing to people in the United States for support in the conflict. The reason, "They're Muslims!" They just didn't get the "So???" response that they invariably received.

Where does this leave us? My question remains unanswered: When was the last report of Christians slaughtering Christians?
It was answered and I answer it again: "In the Balkans in the 1990s."

You'll excuse me if I take the word of the actual participants over yours.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Where does this leave us? My question remains unanswered: When was the last report of Christians slaughtering Christians?

My statement was one of historical reference, and how we see history or human conduct repeating itself. Christians killed Christians in countless European wars. Muslims have killed Muslims in Middle eastern conflicts. I am sure in Asia many of the wars there historically were people killing others of the same religious background. Of course this statement doesn't take into consideration the countless sects in said religions.