I think there is an excellent chance that Romney will carry Ohio.
Regardless of how you feel about Romney, Obama has done quite literally NOTHING to merit reelection.
His horrific mismanagement of the economy is reason enough for him to slink off into obscure ignominy.
Well I suppose we will all find out in another week from now who will win Ohio. One way or the other, the one good thing is that all the millions of dollars spent on campaign ads will finally end everywhere. Here in Calif all you hear now are ads about the ballot propositions. Cali is not a swing state so neither candidate is wasting any money here. All the campaign ad money for the presidency is going to Ohio, Pa, Va, and the other swing states.
Ohio is close enough in the polling that I wish I could take your bet. Nobody really knows though.
I do find it odd that there is so much hate for an experienced incumbent president that such a large portion of the population seems to be willing to go with a completely new inexperienced challenger who has flipped on virtually all his former positions. I would not have minded the challenger if he had stuck to his original guns and stayed consistent. His original positions were reasonable and not really bad. But now that his puppet masters want him to completely overhaul his previous positions, he has gladly accomodated them. How can anyone honestly trust or elect a person like that?
Fixing the economy is another big lie. Neither candidate is going to be able to fix the economy. It will need to fix itself over time as demand for fundamental goods and services again accumulate. So why believe a lie by either candidate that he would be the best to fix it? In the challenger's case, he has no federal experience, and his only claim to fame is that he will fix the economy, which is itself a lie. How can anyone honestly vote for a person like that?
Anyway the population is obviously gullible and easily deceived. In about another week we will see how much, whether 49%, or 50%, or 51%.
Whichever one wins, it changes nothing. The economy will still need time, years or decades, to recover from a huge real estate bubble that crashed on Wall Street and on Main Street. And anyone who thought they were going to get rich by borrowing more mortgage money than they could ever repay in their lives is going to stay poor. And therefore walk-away short sales and foreclosures will continue for years and decades.
Gun rights won't change much either. Personally I hope the increasing trend of more people carrying concealed and openly with keep growing. But as Scalia has pointed out, that will continue to be a state issue not federal.
Whether magazine fed gas operated semi auto rifles and uzi's continue to be available, we don't know. There is no party with control of the White House, the Congress, AND the Senate with 60 seats. And even if one evolved with all that control, then the present US Supreme Court seems to be inclined to interpret 2A rather "liberally" (that's what Liberal really means) and therefore these guns may very well survive a USSC decision with the court as presently constituted.
I know Romney and Obama both hate these high capacity fast shooting guns. Therefore I don't trust either one of them on gun issues. But I would rather re-elect the incumbent for another 4 years who has so far done nothing about guns, than put in a new challenger who might pull off 8 more years in the White House.
I would trust Chris Christie or Jeb Bush with our gun rights much more than Romney or Obama. And a vote for Romney is a vote against Christie or Bush. It sounds like Chrisite has finally found that out, from the way he has been talking about the big storm and the FEMA effort to recover from it.
We'll all see what happens in another week or so.