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Open carry is NOT legal at Walmart!


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I start this post by saying that it is completely off-topic...

wrightme, is there a board on this site that you don't go into just looking to pick a fight with someone?
Is there any kind of point in trying to piss off everyone you encounter?

P.S. These are retorical questions...That means they don't need you to respond.

There is a easy solution for this problem... Once you realize a member is just going from thread to thread looking for a fight, just ignore them. On another forum we call it Troll Spray, sorta like Raid. Once they realize they are ignored they usually implode.


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
Fallon, Nevada, USA
There is a easy solution for this problem... Once you realize a member is just going from thread to thread looking for a fight, just ignore them. On another forum we call it Troll Spray, sorta like Raid. Once they realize they are ignored they usually implode.

LOL, too bad that isn't accurate.

Each person posting in these forums isn't restricted to a specific area. And, I would have to say that if the posts I make in these forums actually piss people off, they are really taking a difference of opinion, and viewing it as if it were a personal insult. And, to those persons, especially to ww, you have expressed a "fear" of my owning a gun, yet you are the one reacting by getting angry, over benign disagreements on an internet forum. Now, WHO is the one that is more likely to implode? WHO is the one who is more likely to be viewed as "dangerous?"
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Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
Okanogan Highland
I was standing in line at Walmart tonight (of course I picked the slowest line with the slowest checker just like always) and saw a guy walk by with a pistol OWB in what looked like a Serpa holster. If you're on here I would just like to remind you that open carrying in any store that sells alcohol is a felony in the state.

You are about 1 year late. As if 1 July 2010 this is the law. http://www.nmlegis.gov/Sessions/10 Regular/final/SB0040.pdf


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2011
Las Cruces, New Mexico

papa bear

Regular Member
Jul 25, 2010
mayberry, nc
Yes, now read the law. It says no guns in ANY liquor establishment, and one of the exceptions is for people with a CHL, but the gun must be concealed.

Once again, for anybody who doesn't get it: no OC in licensed liquor establishments. None.

yes, it looks similar the the stupid law in NC. a couple of points i see; it can be interpreted that you can not carry of any kind in an establishment that "sells and consume" , and not serve food

who is in possession of a valid concealed handgun license for
that gun pursuant to the Concealed Handgun Carry Act on the
premises of:
(a) a licensed establishment that does
not sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises;
(b) a restaurant licensed to sell only
beer and wine that derives no less than sixty percent of its
annual gross receipts from the sale of food for consumption
on the premises, unless the restaurant has a sign posted, in
a conspicuous location at each public entrance, prohibiting
the carrying of firearms, or the person is verbally
instructed by the owner or manager that the carrying of a
firearm is not permitted in the restaurant;

another exception to the rule is government employees. i hope that the good citizens of NM will get their full rights . we are on the cusp of getting ours.


Regular Member
Apr 26, 2007
Tucson, Arizona, USA
This is so preposterous that it is incredible you even think it's in the same playing field.

Equating racism with open carry laws is just about the stupidest thing I have heard in quite a while.

Well, for starters, "Jewish" is a religion, not a race. Common mistake, but needs to be pointed out when it occurs.

Secondly, both religion and "keep and bear arms" are Civil Rights and, at least in theory, protected from discrimination in public.

Lastly, all Civil Rights are of equal weight and mutually supporting and reinforcing. When you weaken one, you weaken all of them.
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Regular Member
Jul 6, 2013
rio rancho NM
I was standing in line at Walmart tonight (of course I picked the slowest line with the slowest checker just like always) and saw a guy walk by with a pistol OWB in what looked like a Serpa holster. If you're on here I would just like to remind you that open carrying in any store that sells alcohol is a felony in the state.

hasnt this changed since 2011? i have been researching open carry as a means until i am 21 and can get a ccl. i have read that the law says u cant carry into anyplace that dispenses alcohol... would that mean places that sell it for on site consumption like a bar, or a restaurants that are more than 60% alcohol sales?


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2013
Spokane Washington
Are Jews a Race?*

In the 1980s, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Jews are a race, at least for purposes of certain anti-discrimination laws. Their reasoning: at the time these laws were passed, people routinely spoke of the "Jewish race" or the "Italian race" as well as the "Negro race," so that is what the legislators intended to protect.


Oct 23, 2007
, ,
hasnt this changed since 2011? i have been researching open carry as a means until i am 21 and can get a ccl. i have read that the law says u cant carry into anyplace that dispenses alcohol... would that mean places that sell it for on site consumption like a bar, or a restaurants that are more than 60% alcohol sales?

you CAN NOT OC where ANY alcohol is sold


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
you can open carry into restraunts that sell beer and wine as long as it is less than 60% beer and wine.

jseth, to assist w/your statement the following cite from the NM DPS is provided:

30-7-3 NMSA
Amends §30-7-3 to allow persons to carry a concealed handgun in a restaurant licensed to sell only beer and wine that derives no less than 60% of its annual gross receipts from the sale of food for consumption on the premises, unless the restaurant has a sign posted prohibiting the carrying of firearms, or the person is verbally instructed by the owner or manager that the carrying of a firearm is not permitted in the restaurant.

the above reference sends you to the law at this location:


what was that you said rogueaussie...an apology to jseth? good man, mate!!

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Regular Member
Oct 6, 2008
, ,
you can open carry into restraunts that sell beer and wine as long as it is less than 60% beer and wine.

You are absolutely, one hundred percent wrong.

You have repeatedly asked questions that indicate you are not reading the laws very well and are therefore not understanding what you are reading- if in fact you are actually reading them at all.

Please- take a step back and read the laws again, and then again before posting and asking these questions.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Maybe we should retitle this thread to "Open Carry is acceptable in most Wal-Marts most of the time" and start new threads on all of the rest of the divergent issues.
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