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Open carry is uncivilized


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
It's not "uncivilized" if you're wearing a suit.

Remember, presenting a clean-cut and "professional" appearance -- along with proper deportment while OCing of course -- makes a good, reassuring and calming impression on the general public. A suit completes this "civilized" presentation.*

* Please, be sure to color-coordinate appropriately also. Don't be a clueless imitator "poser" but instead, look like you know how to dress. "Power ties" are optional, but a tie color/finish that complements the color/finish of your gun indicates to everyone that the carrier has achieved the highest level of "being civilized" (and fashion-awareness) presently possible. In the example pictured below, we see our model carrier opting for simple shades of gray...a more "no-nonsense/no-frills/business-like" & somewhat "city-industrial" presentation -- but nonetheless, certainly still sporting a quite "civilized" appearance.


  • Gorilla With Gun.jpg
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
It's not "uncivilized" if you're wearing a suit, period.

Remember, presenting a clean-cut and "professional" appearance -- along with proper deportment while OCing of course -- makes a good, reassuring and calming impression on the general public. A suit completes this "civilized" presentation.*

* Please, be sure to color-coordinate appropriately also. Don't be a "poser" but instead, look like you know how to dress. "Power ties" are optional, but a tie color/finish that complements the color/finish of your gun indicates to everyone that the carrier has achieved the highest level of "being civilized" (and fashion-awareness) presently possible. In the picture below, we see a carrier opting for simple shades of gray...a more "no-nonsense/no-frills/business-like" & somewhat "industrial" presentation -- but certainly still quite civilized nonetheless.

Purple journalism. :p


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
Unless you live in Arizona, Vermont, Wyoming, or Alaska...

Tell him that, by acquiescing to obtaining a permit, he has already abandoned that which is a right in favor of a mere privilege, able to be revoked at the whim of a bureaucrat.

He's already freely given up his 2nd, so what's he worried about? That they won't grant him permission some day? Indeed they might not, for when you ask for permission, you implicitly grant the authority to deny that permission. But the solution is to deny the authority to grant or withhold permission, which in most states means OC.

Or ND, MN, IA, UT, OK, TN, GA, MA, or CT or a few others where open carry also requires a permission slip.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
I referenced the states which allow concealed carry without a permission slip, saying that my response wouldn't apply there.

Also Arkansas apparently. I missed that one. :p

What I meant wouldn't apply in the states I listed either. In TN I can't tell someone that it's a right to OC but not CC, because, despite what it says in our state's constitution, it's not a right to do either in our state.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
What I meant wouldn't apply in the states I listed either. In TN I can't tell someone that it's a right to OC but not CC, because, despite what it says in our state's constitution, it's not a right to do either in our state.

It's a right regardless of whether government chooses to recognize it.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Unless you live in Arizona, Vermont, Wyoming, or Alaska...

Tell him that, by acquiescing to obtaining a permit, he has already abandoned that which is a right in favor of a mere privilege, able to be revoked at the whim of a bureaucrat.

He's already freely given up his 2nd, so what's he worried about? That they won't grant him permission some day? Indeed they might not, for when you ask for permission, you implicitly grant the authority to deny that permission. But the solution is to deny the authority to grant or withhold permission, which in most states means OC.
If Amendment 5 means what we think (hope) it means, and with a little time (and luck), MO could be a AZ et al state.



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I thought you were supposed to call the attorney first.

You're most likely going to be arrested once the police show up.
Some have said as much. I don't want to give the impression that my comfort is more important than another's life.

I will call 911 with a request for medical assistance. Immediately thereafter I will call my attorney.....and then keep my big mouth shut until he arrives and speak only through him.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
I was going to say, in regards to calling emergency responders first, my lawyer told me not to, so doesn't that mean lawyers are the uncivilized ones? :lol: ;) I kid, of course.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I was going to say, in regards to calling emergency responders first, my lawyer told me not to, so doesn't that mean lawyers are the uncivilized ones? :lol: ;) I kid, of course.

My attorney explains options and gives advice - and yes he is very good.

Still, I am the ultimate decider of my fate and how I proceed in life.

Packer fan

Regular Member
Nov 19, 2009
Mountain Home, Arkansas, United States
If I saw an OC'er I'd shoot him/her.

Unless you live in Arizona, Vermont, Wyoming, or Alaska...

Tell him that, by acquiescing to obtaining a permit, he has already abandoned that which is a right in favor of a mere privilege, able to be revoked at the whim of a bureaucrat.

He's already freely given up his 2nd, so what's he worried about? That they won't grant him permission some day? Indeed they might not, for when you ask for permission, you implicitly grant the authority to deny that permission. But the solution is to deny the authority to grant or withhold permission, which in most states means OC.

Arkansas, too.

All though many LOE's will tell you that Arkansas is not a constitutional carry state they can't come up with the statute to charge you with.

Many people listen to the the "experts" and so who wants to be seen as uneducated according the experts. I was once confronted by a man who is a rabid CC person in the middle of a church just before the church service; we have since come to a mutual understanding. He still doesn't agree with me but that's ok.

Here is a question I have to ask CC'ers, if you are so adamant that CC is the only way to carry then why are you blabbing to me that you are carrying or not carrying, didn't you just give away the element of surprise and now I know you are the first one I should shoot?

Here is a question, how many have heard from the CC crowed that if they were to see someone OC that they (CC'er) would shoot him/her? Yes, I have been told that by more than one.


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2013
Findlay, Ohio, United States
Here is a question I have to ask CC'ers, if you are so adamant that CC is the only way to carry then why are you blabbing to me that you are carrying or not carrying, didn't you just give away the element of surprise and now I know you are the first one I should shoot?

Found an image online the other day that pretty well sums up my reaction to the standard CC 'tactical advantage' BS. I can't seem to post a decent copy here, so I'll just write out a slightly improved version.

CC Guy: I conceal because I like the element of surprise when a criminal comes after me.

Me: That sounds sadistic, like you WANT to shoot someone. I open carry to deter crime. No reason to shoot if the crime is deterred before it happens.

CC Guy: You are ruining our carry rights!!

Me: Bwahahahahahaha! Or you serious? Wow. Get therapy.


Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
Found an image online the other day that pretty well sums up my reaction to the standard CC 'tactical advantage' BS. I can't seem to post a decent copy here, so I'll just write out a slightly improved version.

CC Guy: I conceal because I like the element of surprise when a criminal comes after me.

Me: That sounds sadistic, like you WANT to shoot someone. I open carry to deter crime. No reason to shoot if the crime is deterred before it happens.

CC Guy: You are ruining our carry rights!!

Me: Bwahahahahahaha! Or you serious? Wow. Get therapy.

Can you post a link to the photo? Small world, I lived in Findlay back in 1988.

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
Here is a question, how many have heard from the CC crowed that if they were to see someone OC that they (CC'er) would shoot him/her? Yes, I have been told that by more than one.

What the hell? Why do you even associate with these people? Sorry, but no one is going to tell me they are going to kill me with zero consequence, especially if they are armed, and especially if they are CC'ing. Sounds like little man syndrome and probably 5 or 6 doses of liquid courage to me.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Allowing criminals to wreak havoc on civilization, particularly within me in it, is uncivilized.

OC deters crime, which is far more civilized than ambushing a criminal who didn't know you were carrying.