Never have. Never seen an open carrier in my city other then myself. Only MWAG calls I go to is when someone I'd being robbed/shot/ assaulted or some other illegal violence.
I've had a guy who was hammered while driving (fell into the back of his car while doing field sobriety HE insisted on doing to show me how soooiber he was). This guy happened to lie to me and had a loaded gun stored in his vehicle. He was called a cab home and his gun was stored at the station till he came back SOBE the next day. Let's say he was extremely grateful.
Ive had a few other intersections with legal gun owners. Never busted their chops or made any type of arrest. Ever.
And I'll say again... YOU can put me on what whatever "side" you want my friend. But I refuse to even acknowledge there are "sides". There isnt. I'm a gun owning freedom loving dude who owns a house and has a family just like you. I put my pants on just like you and work a full time job just like everyone. If YOU think my job puts me on a different "side" the that's your problem. Its made up in your head if so.
The only "side" I'm on is legal good guys. Period. That should be every dude on this forum. Doesn't matter if I flip burgers or sell cars.
To think that ones employment dictates anything else is naïve. Among many other things.
I still love you even when your totally wrong.