No offense to those who do this, but I think that concept is dorky obedience under the guise of skirting the law. Michigan's registration system is notoriously poorly kept, on par with the NFA registry 10 plus years ago, and except in rare instances such as for activists, if cops run your gun and it comes back unregistered they are going to assume it was a police screw up and not even mention it. When they are trying to mess with activists they may mention it, and then when it is insisted that it was registered, the police will then generally admit it must have been a police screw up, and suggest you go bitch at the agency at fault, and if you do, they'll then actually register it.
In a state where cops like some in the the DPD will straight up steal guns from ocers even when presented with the green card, registration seems to be something of a side issue.
Another tidbit of use to some who are concerned about the GFSZA in regards to LEIN, it doesn't say how your pistol is registered, be it through a permit to purchase or RI060 or shop, it only says its registered. In essence, they police have no way of knowing, and therefore is another reason not to realistically worry about the finer details of registration, provided that in the extremely unlikely case the point is brought up, you aren't stupid enough to mention it.