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Warren Picnic at Halmich Made the Second Cover of Warren Weekly


Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
Ok all, you've got my curiosity up. What w as the outcome r/t the vidioes of the leos constitutional violations and illegal seizures of the firearms ad well as their extra legal demands.

You don't need to know what kind of device or tool was used to send this

Evil Creamsicle

Regular Member
Sep 11, 2009
Police State, USA
Ultimately, for the ticket that I was originally there to inquire about, I had to show up at the courthouse but my lawyer got it tossed before I ever had to step into a courtroom.

As for the illegal disarmament, we eventually had to send someone back to the car to get all of our IDs so we could get our guns back. We could have taken legal action but at the time we figured making a point was enough.


Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
Glad you got your property returned. Glad the ticket was tossed. Any other developments or repeats since?

You don't need to know what kind of device or tool was used to send this


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2012
Secret Bunker
The Sarge was & still is to my knowledge, a criminal in uniform. His immediate response to a valid request for information is to try and I.D. everyone. Why? Not for his "safety" but so he can attempt to get those who had a MI CCW (CPL) in trouble with their local county permit boards(thankfully they [GB's] have been recently disbanded). Which he states in the video, that he's going to be contacting the gun boards about this...

Typical fascists reaction to free people exercising their rights. He then uses extortion, IMHO, to force the OCers to give him their I.D. (not required under MI law.). No I.D. = I take your guns until you can prove they're yours because you made me angry by doing a legal activity (OC).

His ploy is a thin one at best, saying 'I'll just run the serial #'s of your guns to ID you!" All under the guise of "officer safety" as it turned out not all the folks there were from MI, so when they ran the serial #'s on those guns in MI registration database (yes, MI has pistol registration) they should have got ...nothing...;)
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Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
That was definitely an interesting event, copy catted from a similar response in Wayne County which I wasn't involved with, and it showcased the importance of having proven reliable recording gear and many extra units. At least half a dozen recorders failed, including mine. This is part of why I have come to see running go pro's and streaming smart phones as a basic minimum for any time there is a remotely elevated risk of police contact, and the combination has served us well for subsequent situations that were much more dangerous than that was.

A particularly funny thing was a few years ago I met up with a retired cop from that agency who was actually there when called to the commons for backup, because as it turned out he is a friend of my extended by marriage family. I took great satisfaction in informing him that our response was specifically my idea and largely me who coordinated it, which clearly irritated the **** out of him, but he didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone at the reunion.

For what it's worth too, Warren still all these years later does not respect the rights of open carriers. Evil Creamsicle and myself, along with a few other usual suspects were hassled by them last year when we OC'd there for literally only a few minutes after a DPD protest. The only other agencies I've ever encountered that are more consistently brazenly criminal are some of the down river ones.
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