imported post
AbNo wrote:
para_org wrote:
But I do give business card sized handouts. It is designed to be read in 10 seconds or so, which is about the recommended time frame to infuse an idea.
Any chance any of us can get that business card?
Yeah sure thing. (While I have posted this card before, I am not sure the LATEST version is on the forum. SO, here is the latest version):
FRONT of the card:
"Why do I carry a gun ? - Thank you for asking!
- To be able to defend myself, my family,
and my neighbors.
- To help other people understand their right
to keep and bear arms to defend themselves
and the ones they love.
Are you prepared to defend yourself right now ?
Your gun isn't much use in a drawer or locked up."
BACK for the card;
"The Rule of Nature: To survive by self-defense.
The Rule of Society: Do all you have agreed to do.
The Rule of Law: No one has the right to
INITIATE force, including delegation or threat.
Gun Owners of America -
Fully Informed Jury -
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
A right unexercised is a right lost: -"