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Hey heatho, as a fellow Washingtonian, I thought I'd reply. I live in Skagit county, and also spend a lot of time in Watcom county. I first came to these boards only a month or so ago, and I had a lot of the same questions as you. Before I read these boards, I didnt even know it was legal. Then I thought "man what a bunch of power tripping jackasses". Then I thought "what a bunch of idiots, they are going to get shot first". But after a lot of thinking and reading, I became a convert.
Here are my reasons for OCing --
Comfort: It's more comfortable to OC than to CC. Also easier to strap up or disarm.
Education: OCing not only educates people about the right to OC, and 2nd amendment rights, but it educates people that not all gun owners are criminals or nuts. I know that would be an absurd assumption to make, but most law abiding gun owners leave them at home or CC, so the only time most non-gun owners see or hear about guns involves a criminal or crazy person of some sort. Exposing them to sane, gun toting people can do a lot in terms of enlightenment.
Deterance: Like others have said, this is a trade off. The way I see it, it is more positive than negative. I used to be a criminal and was involved with a gang, and spent a few years of my life soley affiliating with other criminals, (although I never did any violent crimes), so I would venture to say I know how a criminal thinks. I would STRONGLY disagree with an earlier statement that a poster made, saying that most street criminals are unintelligent and unaware of their environment. While I would agree that most aren't incredibly 'book smart', they tend to be very 'street smart', and very aware of their surroundings at all times.
However, like others have said, if a criminal is looking to commit a crime, especially a mugging, assault, rape, robbery, etc, they are looking for the easiest target. Think of it this way: a steering wheel lock like the "club" can be easily circumvented, if one is so inclinded. But why bother with the hassle, when there is the same make and model car down the street with no steering wheel lock?
Open carry is a strong form of deterent for muggings, assaults, rapes, etc, because criminals do not WANT to murder anybody (unless they're a serial killer, in which case OC would still be a deterent for them to choose you as a target). They do not want any drama whatsoever. A criminal looking for easy money would rather wait to find a target that is easy prey, rather than risk getting killed, or getting a lot of attention put on their crime as a result of a murder, not to mention the murder charge they'd be facing if caught. They would rather just find easier prey.
The ONLY situation I can think of in which open carry would not be a deterent, and more of a hazard would be in a bank robbery type 'hold-up' situation, where the criminal marches into the building without scouting out the interior first, mask already on face. At that point they are at a point of no return, and already facing federal charges, they might kill someone they see with a gun with no warning because they perceive them as a threat, but who knows for sure what would happen, and every situation is different. Personally, I prefer to conceal my weapon in a bank because of this reason, however. (A bank has insurance anyway, and I dont carry to "be a hero". If I felt personally threatened enough, I could always attempt to draw and fire, when carrying concealed in a bank.)
The only other situations I can think of where concealed carry would be more beneficial than open carry are in places where you can not be confident of your surroundings and pistol retention, and since you are from the Seattle area, when it is raining out. Better to keep your pistol dry
On a more personal note, another reason why I OC is because I have a lot of enemies, who want to rob me or hurt me, or both, because I am a former drug dealer, and haters are an aspect of my past that I can't get rid of. When they see my pistol, it stops any drama in its tracks.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot my favorite reason for why I openly carry: WHY SHOULDN'T I?
Hopefully some of my reasoning will make sense, or maybe I just did too much of my own product back in the day.